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ISSI was founded in 1988. It specializes in the design, development and sale of high-performance storage semiconductor products, which are used for Internet storage devices, network devices, remote communication and mobile communication devices, computer peripherals, etc. The company's customers are some electronic industry giants, such as 3Com, Alcatel, Cisco, Ericsson, Hewlett Packard, IBM, Lexmark, Motorola, Nokia, Seagate, etc. ISSI is a large international company, headquartered in Santa Clara, California, USA, with branches in the United States and Europe, joint ventures in Taiwan, subsidiaries in Hong Kong, China, and sales offices in the United States, Europe, Hong Kong, China, Taiwan and Japan. There are about 500 employees. ISSI uses 0.25 μ M technology to produce the latest SRAM products. All products are produced by OEM service providers. TSMC, UMC in Taiwan and Chartered Semiconductor in Singapore are its partners.